Trans-Caspian Trade Route Enhancement meeting
On March 6 EU-Georgia Business Council Secretary General Zviad Chumburidze took part in event that was dedicated to Trans-Caspian Trade Route
Enhancement: Private Sector Perspective for Viable Multimodal Trade Route Scenarios. This event was organized by Commercial Law Development Program, United States Department of Commerce In partnership with USAID and IRU(The International Road Transport Union).
This event included the private sector TIR national association representatives from all five Central Asian countries, Georgia, and Azerbaijan as well as logistics and freight forwarding companies to identify the most viable trade route scenario for the transport of goods along the Trans-Caspian corridor. (CLDP) Commercial Law Development Program, organized roundtable discussions among the private sector stakeholders and allow international experts to present recent analyses and feasibility study reports related to increased trade along the Trans-Caspian trade route, and for the private sector to provide their perspective.
EUGBC Secretary General Zviad Chumburidze made a presentation regarding the Digitalization of Transport and Transit Operations Along the Trans-Caspian Trade Route, as well as briefed participants about EUGBC’s new initiative of cooperation “The Black Sea Platform”.