EUGBC Publication and Seminar on the Export of the Organic Products from Third Countries to the EU Market
The EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in cooperation with Biological Farming Association “Elkana” is organizing a seminar – “Specific issues of the Export of the Organic Products from Third Countries to the EU Market”. The seminar will take place on April 14, at 11:30 (registration of the participants will start at 11:00) at the German House Conference Hall, 4 Elene Akhvlediani Agmarti, Tbilisi. The goal of the seminar is to inform interested stakeholders on important issues of exporting organic products to the EU market: · The EU rules on organic production; · The Control system applicable to organic production in the EU; · The EU standards on packaging, labelling, transportation and storage for organic products; · The EU import rules for organic products of third countries. The seminar is free and open to public and all interested companies and individuals are welcome to attend. For additional information and confirmation of your participation please contact EU-Georgia Business Council at: 59.36.07, 8-95-98.99.16,, Attached please see: the seminar invitation and agenda (in Georgian and English languages). |
Attached documents: InvitationAgenda