A round table on “Employment Opportunities for Ukrainians in Georgia”
A round table on “Employment Opportunities for Ukrainians in Georgia” organized by EU-Georgia Business Council and Georgia-Ukraine Business Association, with support of the Ukrainian Embassy to Georgia was held on April 28.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss existing initiatives and strengthen coordination and cooperation between the invited parties.
Among the participants were representatives of the Embassy of Ukraine, sectoral associations, private companies and initiative groups.
The participants of the round table were informed about two initiative platforms with the presentations about:
- GE, one of the leading vacancy platforms in Georgia, offers companies to publish vacancies for Ukrainians on their platform completely free of charge. Vacancies for Ukrainians can be found in the search system using the following filter #forukrainians. Please see in detail: https://www.hr.ge
- „Dopomoga Ukraini“ is an information platform created by a group of volunteers aimed at collecting and displaying all information necessary for Ukrainian citizens in Georgia in a single space. Please see in detail: https://www.dopomoga.ge