Special Discount for EUGBC Members for ISET “Executive Leadership” program
ISET – International School of Economics invites applications from EUGBC member companies and organizations to participate in the 2018 “Executive Leadership” program, with 20% discount !
“Executive leadership” program is an intensive four-month course from February to May 2018 designed for entrepreneurs and business executives who strive to take their careers to the next level or wish to develop their professional network. Unique for Georgia, this program is designed to serve the needs of modern leaders by linking economics and finance concepts to establishing and running businesses in the Georgian context.
Deadline for application is January 20, 2018.
The program consists of four thematic modules covering the whole spectrum of leadership skills:
Economics and Policy
Strategic Management and Leadership
Marketing and Communications
The “Executive Leadership” program is tailored to the needs and interests of entrepreneurs, mid-career professionals, business managers, and executives who want to upgrade their knowledge and functional skills in financial decisions, business management and leadership, and create further opportunities for their careers and businesses.
for more info please visit program page at www.iset.tsu.ge
or contact:
Ms. Nino Mukhuradze, Academic Programs Coordinator at:
(+995 32) 250 71 77 ext. 102