The EU-Georgia Business Council (EUGBC) together with the EU Delegation in Georgia organized a workshop on “EU-Georgia trade relations: How to export to the European Union” on 4th of December, at the Courtyard Marriott, Tbilisi. The event was opened by Konstantin Zaldastanishvili, EUGBC Secretary General, David Shervashidze, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia,Boris Iarochevitch, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Georgia. At the workshop the presentations of two new EUGBC Publications, prepared with the funding of the Delegation, were delivered:
How to export food products of non-animal origin from Georgia to the EU market;
How to export Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages and water products from Georgia to the EU market.
In addition, Virginie Cossoul, Trade Officer at the EU Delegation presented on the following important topics referring to EU-Georgiatrade relations:
Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA): state of play.
The EU Export Helpdesk database.
The seminar presentations were followed by a lively discussion sessions.
The seminar was free and open to public and all interested companies and individuals were welcome to attend. More than 50 representatives of Georgian business community, government, civil society and experts participated in the workshop.
The program of the workshop is attached.1