Promoting Awareness on the AEO Program, Customs Interactions and Formalities


The EU-Georgia Business Council within the framework of project financed by the USAID Economic Governance Program and supported by the

Ministry of Finance of Georgia is conducting research aiming to identify challenges for obtaining the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status.  

Note: Georgia has introduced Authorized Economic Operator scheme in 2019. The concept of an Authorized Economic Operator is based on the partnership between customs and business. Taxpayers, who voluntarily meet the requirements, can work closely with customs to ensure the safety of the international supply chain. In return, they are eligible to apply for the right to benefit from different simplifications/preferences.

According to Georgian legislation the status of authorized economic operator include two types of authorizations:

1)  the authorization for simplification of the goods clearance procedures (AEOC);
2) the authorization for simplification of customs control based on the compliance with the safety and security requirements (AEOS);

Taxpayers may have one or both authorizations at the same time if they meet respective requirements.

AEO can become any legal entity (natural and legal), that is involved in activities covered by customs legislation such as: Importers, Customs Warehouse Owners, Exporters, Carriers, Freight forwarders etc.

Direct benefits available to entity holding AEO authorization are the following:

✔ Fewer physical and document-based controls;
✔ Priority treatment of consignments on the border;
✔ Examination of possessed goods at the point agreed in advance;
✔ Easier admittance to customs simplifications;
✔ Prior notification in case of selection for physical control.

Indirect benefits are:

✔ Recognition as a secure and safe business partner;
✔ Improved relations with Customs and other government authorities;
✔ Mutual Recognition with third countries;
✔ Positive effects in various areas of operator’s activity.

Interested companies are kindly requested to fill out the questionnaire (in Georgian) till May 7, 2023 at–Uio4RkklOiNArPixZvrkc9qA8NeZwJ88_1PZLw/viewform?usp=sf_link

We hereby inform you that the responses received from each company will be kept confidential and will be used for the purposes of research that will reflect the overall view.