Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri (MKD) Newsletter
In this issue ? Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri (MKD) Newsletter March-April, 2019
Legal news:
- New rules for Georgian pharmaceutical market;
- New regulation for the persons holding the status of a special enterprise;
- Agro Insurance Programme has been approved;
- Decree N163 of the government of Georgia on approval of state program on credit guarantee scheme;
- The National Bank of Georgia approved Cybersecurity Management Framework for commercial banks;
- The National Bank of Georgia approved the regulation on net stable funding ratio (NSFR);
- Tbilisi land use master plan has been approved;
- New regulations about alcoholic beverages.
Business news:
- Georgia’s sovereign credit rating has been improved;
- Double taxation avoidance deal between Georgia and Saudi Arabia becomes effective.