Meeting with representatives of European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

On September 16, 2014 European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) delegation composed by Mr Andrzej Adamczyk, the President of the EESC Eastern European Neighbours Follow-up Committee; Mr Philippe De Buck, representative of Employers’ Group at EESC, and Mr Sorin Ionita, representative of Various Interests’ Group at EESC paid a visit to Georgia.

The aim of this mission was to meet with all stakeholders to discuss the setting up, including the structure and composition, of the Civil Society Platform, foreseen in the political provisions of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement (Article 409). Furthermore, they discussed also establishment and functioning of the domestic advisory group, which under the DCFTA part of the Association Agreement is tasked with advising on issues relating to the Chapter of trade and sustainable development (Article 240). To this end, during their mission, the EESC members met with representatives of the Georgian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, employers’ and business associations, trade unions.

The meeting was attended by EUGBC Secretary General Zviad Chumburidze, Executive Director Tamar Khuntsaia and Senior Adviser Valerian Gvalia. EUGBC supported creation of a such advisory working group.