A Workshop on How to Export to the European Union
The EU Delegation to Georgia and the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) will organize a Workshop on “How to export to the European Union”, which will take place in Tbilisi on Monday 28 June, at the GTZ premises (German House).
The purpose of the workshop is to recall the trade opportunities available for Georgian exporters and to present the Export Helpdesk,a free online service provided by the European Commission, to assist economic operators in obtaining information on how to access the EU market. For this presentation, experts from the European Commission Headquarters will be present.
During the event, following a general presentation of the Export Helpdesk, a practical workshop will follow with a hands-on training to help participants use this instrument with the assistance of the experts from the European Commission.
A detailed programme of the interventions is attached together with a background note.
Attached documentsProgramme-background Seminar