8th meeting of the EU-Georgia civil society platform


On December 13, 2021, Giorgi Kacharava, Executive Director of EU-Georgia Business Council took part at the 8th meeting of the EU-Georgia civil society platform (CSP).  

Due to the COVID-19 conditions the meeting, which usually takes place in Brussels or Tbilisi, by rotation, twice in a year this time was held in an online format.

The EU-Georgia CSP was established in accordance to art. 412 of EU-Georgia Association Agreement (AA) on 16 June 2016. European Economic and Social Committee and Georgian National Platform of EaP CSF have played leading role in establishment of the EU-Georgia CSP. The EU-Georgia CSP aims to create space for exchange of views on implementation of the AA, development of recommendations to the EU and Georgian governments and institutions, presenting them to the EU-Georgia Association Council.